How it works

When you hire a dev, do you really know how good they are?


How fast do they code, and can they code under pressure?


Do they have a consistent Development Technique?


How do they balance Speed with Quality and Testing?

What is Developer Insights?



Developer Insights is a real-world online challenge which puts candidates through rounds of changing requirements.

This reveals their speed and development technique.

How Does It Identify The Best Developers?

The secret lies in the test structure.

As the challenge evolves, candidates must rethink and adapt their initial design decisions.

They need to balance speed with quality and will incur time penalties for mistakes.

This approach reveals two VERY CRITICAL skillsets you must have insights on:
Development technique and delivery speed.

You can then objectively compare candidates and be confident you are moving forward with qualified candidates that meet your requirements.


The languages

Whether you are hiring polyglot “all-rounders” or experts, we support all the major programming languages.





The Process



All you need to do is send the candidate a Developer Insights link.
Developer Insights takes care of the rest.

This video demonstrates the entire Developer Insights process.

Starting with the candidate link, it shows how the entire candidate flow.

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Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

The report

Our Developer Insights report makes it simple for you to identify candidates’ speed, delivery technique and code quality.

The report provides key insights into:

  • Delivery speed

  • Time distribution across rounds

  • Time penalties

  • Test coverage

  • Coding technique

Take a look at a real report.

 This video explains the Developer Insights reports:

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Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

The Process



All you need to do is send the candidate a Developer Insights link.
Developer Insights takes care of the rest.